Monday, June 8, 2009

UGA Coach Mark Richt at Chimney Cove!

We don't know where he is going to school, but he sure looks happy!

The Finlaysons and Coach Mark Richt

Andy Johnson and Mark Richt
Andy and Coach Richt
The Middlebrooks Gang

Mindy, Amanda, Mark Richt and Cindy (We wish Rhonda hadn't been home sick in bed!)
On May 21st, UGA's head football coach, Mark Richt, visited Chimney Cove. Everyone had a great time! Good food and conversations were had by all. Coach Richt was so nice and took time to speak and get to know each and every person here that day! He was also happy to take pictures, sign helmets, posters and memorabilia. One of the highlights of the event was listening to his insight on the football team and their upcoming season.

Coach Richt expressed his excitement about the development of the golf course and owning a lot on the 1st green. We are thrilled to have him and truly appreciate his support and kind words. We hope you enjoy some of our favorite pictures from the night!

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